5è année (Grade 5)

le 8 juin

Bonjour cinquième année!
With this being the last week for assignments for assessment, I have decided to let those of you who are still missing assignments, have some time to catch up instead of assigning new work. Please have all assignments in to me by Friday, if you would like them to count toward your June report card. You can email them to cornelissez@calvinchristian.mb.ca

For those of you who are up to date with your work, I’d like you to practice your French on DuoLingo. Please email me at the end of the week and let me know 3 new things you learn.

le 1 juin

Voici les devoirs pour pratiquer votre vocabulaire cette semaine.

Let me know if you have any questions. Please send me photos of your work once it is all completed.

Amusez-vous au soleil! 🙂

Les devoirs: les activités d'été

le 25 mai

Aujourd’hui, nous commençons un nouveau unité - Les activités d’été!

Please print out the vocabulary sheet and follow along with my video to practice your vocabulary this week. I would like you to aim to practice 3 times this week (on 3 different days).

vocabulaire: Vocab
vidéo: https://youtu.be/FC0gPV4zNSo